SceneController Class Reference

Controls scene events and coordination. More...

Inheritance diagram for SceneController:


static bool NeedsStartPlay = false [get, set]
static bool NeedsStopPlay = false [get, set]
static bool NeedsReset = false [get, set]
static bool NeedsRestart = false [get, set]
static bool NeedsMidiReload = false [get, set]
static bool NeedsVisualReload = false [get, set]
static bool NeedsAudioReload = false [get, set]
static bool IsPlaying [get]
 Is the visualization currently playing.
static double FrameDeltaTime [get]
 Time.deltaTime when not recording, 1/recording framerate when recording. In most cases, use this instead of Time.deltaTime so that recordings work properly.


static Action OnPlayStarted
 Called when the visualization starts playing. May be starting from the beginning or resuming.
static Action OnPlayStopped
 Called when the visualization stops playing.
static Action OnReset
 OnLoadAudio and OnLoadMidi will also be called afterwards, so don't do any of that here, but do reload any other resources your component needs.
static Action OnRestart
 Called when the visualization restarts (R is pressed).
static Action OnLoadMidi
 Called when the midi information needs to be loaded from the file. OnLoadVisuals will also be called afterwards, so don't do any of that here.
static Action OnLoadVisuals
 Called when the visuals need to be recreated (like when something in the MIDI Controls window is changed).
static Action OnLoadAudio
 Called when the audio needs to be loaded from the file.

Detailed Description

Controls scene events and coordination.

Property Documentation

◆ FrameDeltaTime

double SceneController.FrameDeltaTime

Time.deltaTime when not recording, 1/recording framerate when recording. In most cases, use this instead of Time.deltaTime so that recordings work properly.

Identical to OmidivComponent.FrameDeltaTime.

◆ IsPlaying

bool SceneController.IsPlaying

Is the visualization currently playing.

Identical to OmidivComponent.IsPlaying.

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