CameraController Class Referenceabstract

OmidivComponent that provides a GUI and input controls for a camera. More...

Inheritance diagram for CameraController:
OmidivComponent Default3DCameraController Ortho2DCameraController

Protected Member Functions

Color GetBGColor ()
void SetBGColor (Color color)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OmidivComponent
virtual void OnEnable ()
virtual void OnDisable ()
virtual void Awake ()
virtual void OnDestroy ()
virtual void DrawGUI ()
 Override this. Use ImGui to draw most UI elements here.
virtual void ReadConfig ()
 Override this. Read from Config here.
Don't forget to include ConfigTag in your config keys.
virtual void WriteConfig ()
 Override this. Write to Config here.
Don't forget to include ConfigTag in your config keys.
virtual void OnPlayStart ()
 Override this. Called when the visualization starts playing. May be starting from the beginning or resuming.
virtual void OnPlayStop ()
 Override this. Called when the visualization stops playing.
virtual void Reset_ ()
 Override this. Called when SceneController.OnReset is fired. LoadAudio and LoadMidi will also be called afterwards, so don't do any of that here, but do reload any other resources your component needs.
virtual void Restart ()
 Override this. Called when the visualization restarts (R is pressed).
virtual void LoadMidi ()
 Override this. Called when the midi information needs to be loaded from the file. LoadVisuals will also be called afterwards, so don't do any of that here.
virtual void LoadVisuals ()
 Override this. Called when the visuals need to be recreated (like when something in the MIDI Controls window is changed).
virtual void LoadAudio ()
 Override this. Called when the audio needs to be loaded from the file.


Color BGColor [get, set]
- Properties inherited from OmidivComponent
static bool IsPlaying [get]
 Is the visualization currently playing.
static double FrameDeltaTime [get]
 Time.deltaTime when not recording, 1/recording framerate when recording. In most cases, use this instead of Time.deltaTime so that recordings work properly.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from OmidivComponent
string ConfigTag = "def"
 Use this to give different instances in difference scenes different saved config.


Detailed Description

OmidivComponent that provides a GUI and input controls for a camera.

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