void | Start () |
override void | Update () |
virtual void | SetNoteState (TrackInfo trackInfo, int noteIndex, NoteState state) |
| Updates the visuals for a note at a given noteIndex of a specific trackInfo .
virtual void | UpdateNowPlayingVisuals () |
override void | CreateVisuals () |
bool | TrackHasNotes (TrackInfo track) |
bool | IgnoreTrack (TrackInfo trackInfo) |
void | ResetTracks () |
| Updates the GameObjects for track objects, and other things that don't need to be changed per-note.
void | ResetNotes (bool justColors=false) |
| Updates GameObjects for note objects.
override void | ClearVisuals () |
override void | Restart () |
| Override this. Called when the visualization restarts (R is pressed).
override void | MovePlay (decimal ticks, decimal microseconds) |
virtual void | DrawGeneralMidiControls (ref bool updateTracks, ref bool updateNotes) |
| Draw the general controls in the MIDI Controls window for this visualization.
virtual void | DrawIndividualTrackControls (ref TrackInfo trackInfo, ref bool updateTracks, ref bool updateNotes) |
| Draw the individual controls within the tree for a track. Will be called for each track.
virtual void | DrawNoteControls (ref bool updateTracks, ref bool updateNotes) |
| Draw the controls for the "Note Controls" tree.
void | TrackListChanged (ref bool updateTracks, ref bool updateNotes) |
| Called when the track order has been changed or tracks have been enabled/disabled.
override void | DrawGUI () |
| Override this. Use ImGui to draw most UI elements here.
override void | WriteConfig () |
| Override this. Write to Config here.
Don't forget to include ConfigTag in your config keys.
override void | ReadConfig () |
| Override this. Read from Config here.
Don't forget to include ConfigTag in your config keys.
void | CreateVisuals () |
| Create your visualization here. Happens every time visuals reload after a call to ClearVisuals.
void | ClearVisuals () |
| Clear all created visuals here.
void | MovePlay (decimal ticks, decimal microseconds) |
| Move your visualization forward or backward (in case midi delay is adjusted).
override void | OnEnable () |
override void | OnDisable () |
override void | OnDestroy () |
override void | ReadConfig () |
override void | WriteConfig () |
override void | LoadVisuals () |
| Clears and creates the visuals.
override void | DrawGUI () |
override void | Restart () |
| Override this. Called when the visualization restarts (R is pressed).
virtual void | Awake () |
virtual void | OnPlayStart () |
| Override this. Called when the visualization starts playing. May be starting from the beginning or resuming.
virtual void | OnPlayStop () |
| Override this. Called when the visualization stops playing.
virtual void | Reset_ () |
| Override this. Called when SceneController.OnReset is fired. LoadAudio and LoadMidi will also be called afterwards, so don't do any of that here, but do reload any other resources your component needs.
virtual void | LoadMidi () |
| Override this. Called when the midi information needs to be loaded from the file. LoadVisuals will also be called afterwards, so don't do any of that here.
virtual void | LoadAudio () |
| Override this. Called when the audio needs to be loaded from the file.
string | ConfigTag = "def" |
| Use this to give different instances in difference scenes different saved config.
static readonly SortedList< int, Color > | TrackColors = new SortedList<int, Color>() |
bool | AutoApplyChanges = true [get, set] |
| Whether changes that require recreating the visualization should apply automatically (true) or manually with F6 (false).
static bool | IsPlaying [get] |
| Is the visualization currently playing.
static double | FrameDeltaTime [get] |
| Time.deltaTime when not recording, 1/recording framerate when recording. In most cases, use this instead of Time.deltaTime so that recordings work properly.
A base class for Standard3D and Circle3D visualizations, since they share much of the same code.
Custom subclasses can be made as well that lay out notes in unique ways. If you do that, respect GlobalScale by making any GameObjects children of this, or manually adjusting their scale.
- Template Parameters
TrackInfo | What will be stored to represent information about each track. |